Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Find me an equivalent talent of Jaime Hayon and I'll offer you a dinner


Extravagant & Simple.

Chic & Kitsch.

Modern & Retrò.


This man who created this is The Man of the 21st century design scene. He's name is Jaime Hayon and I've posted about him already before (here! and here!) . What else can I say..
I'm in love.
This is what I'd aspire to create .. one day.. something so classy and ...


you see, I'm out of words! And my mind is elsewhere..

..drinking martinis with My Man in La Terrazza del Casino..


This dreamy place is Faberge Geneva jewellery store.







... So.. are you enthusiastic as I am ?
Have you heard about him before and what do you think about his work?
actually reminds me a little Gaudì.. and I don't think I'm comparing the two just because they both are spanish. Jaime is still young and is just at the beginning of his career but he's got all what it takes to become the next true legend.


Fashion Matters said...

lovely design!

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Jaime creates realy interesting stuff indeed! So glad I was able to visit this SpanishFest Expo here in Moscow a while back and see some of his creations in person! The only thing I don't like about the above is those metallic end tables in the lasy photo - they just make me think of trash bins lol

la flore et la faune said...

Quite Kubrickesque. Not bad, but my home's better. So where do you take me for dinner ?

;) jk

Café Naïveté said...

Mr.. I'll take you for a dinner in a place you sure wouldn't even DREAM to eat.. that is ofcourse if your home is how I imagine it;)

Café Naïveté said...

Oh Julia, how I ency you! I wish I had the chance to see his works live too.. but one day one great day;)

Taylor said...

I love his designs as well! Looks like a magazine campaign. I wanted to thank you for being my 100th follower! I also wanted to write you back - I have been to Italy, fell in love with Roma and simply enough, the whole lifestyle there. That was 2 years ago. I cannot wait to come back - hopefully this summer! I am trying to study abroad in Siena and make a lot of trips exploring the country! Thanks again!

Mademoiselle Marie said...

perfection !



Elyssa said...

Im loving those interiors! I haven't heard of him but I'm glad you posted this...He is definately talented !!