Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Magic Duo


So this is what happened at school today. We were bored and so we had some fun with Tommy who has grown his hair so long and beautiful! :D In Italy we have this tv show called Striscia la Notizia which basically shows all kinds of stupid news and happenings all around Italy and the world. In between the "news" there are two showgirls who entertain the public at home with their pretty sexy dances (this is italian television!), they're called le Veline and usually one is blonde the other one is brunette. So.. what you think of us.. as the new Veline? I think we're quite hilarious.. and original! I just couldn't resist on sharing it with you guys! Have a great evening!



Kadri-Ann said...

haha lahe!!

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

I LOVE this first pic!! It's such a happy one, so thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Le Veline is probably the most hilarious aspect of Italy. :D

Lisa Petrarca said...

OOO La La! Yes you two are perfect!LOL!

Hope you're having a great weekend!

la bovaryste said...

ahahahah molto divertente!!! mi piace questo post,la velina mora è molto femminile! ^^

Anonymous said...

This is a great photograph. You both look like you are having a great time!