Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A serious lack of inspiration..


So this is basically how my room looked like for a week. I quite can't say I produced much even though I had the perfect zen conditions. Sometimes it happens.. sometimes I can't seem to find the right inspiration and if usually under pressure I produce much more than in normal conditions then this time fortune was not at my side. Tried to figure out, to find some solutions but.. nothing. That's why I decided, I need a teacher, a mentor, someone who could guide me and bring out of me what seems to be stuck inside. From September I'm going to go in artclass. It's official.


La Natura Morta I created. The drawing is on the floor.. still unfinished.


This is a drawing Ive been working on for months. It reminds me a lot my dear friend Kàrt, accidentally.


Usually I'm most inspired at dark hours...


So.. ever happened the same to you too? Do you have any suggestions on how to deal with it?

PS! I just received a very inspiring comment from my dear friend an for its brilliance I'm gonna post it here:

"well... I use the words of one of my favourite writers E.M. Remarque that is.
"Art is born in cold and hunger, in dispare and in incovenience..."
So stop creating these zen conditions as they are usually not at all helpful but even counterproductive.
Free your subconscious so art and creation could find the way to let itself out.
Don't try to succeed - just draw because you enjoy it.
oh and most important - have faith in what you do. Love it! If you don't believe in your creation and work, no one else will. :)"


akadeemik said...

well... I use the words of one of my favourite writers E.M. Remarque that is.
"Art is born in cold and hunger, in dispare and in incovenience..."
So stop creating these zen conditions as they are usually not at all helpful but even counterproductive.
Free your subconscious so art and creation could find the way to let itself out.
Don't try to succeed - just draw because you enjoy it.
oh and most important - have faith in what you do. Love it! If you don't believe in your creation and work, no one else will. :)
OK, i've spoken... i'll shut up now :)

Roadrunner said...

I just found your blog and started following you right away :) I love it ♥ You're great in drawing!

Taylor said...

Ciao! I found your blog via the Sartorialist, and I love it mainly because you're living in Rome. I love that city and the time I spent there is associated with some of my fondest memories. I love this blog because it reminds me of them!

You are such a talented artist! I love that drawing, it is so realistic. I love that her eyes are closed, its adds an element of mystery!

Lisa Petrarca said...

With writing I actually set a specific day and time and if I have nothing to say I just start writing anything & eventually it forms into a story, idea, or concept. It's taught me to be more disciplined so I can hopefully finish my book by Dec.