Saturday, August 28, 2010

It's time for YOU to speak out loud!

Audrey in Roman Holidays, 1953

My dear readers, I have a small request for you!

For now it seems that I have decided to move in London after finishing my studies and that means only a year is left for me in this magical city. Even though the thought of changing the country makes me shiver of excitement and joy, great sadness fulls my heart whenever I think about leaving Rome... But still.. a year is left so there is no reason to waste my time on crying in the pillow and that's why I came up with a brilliant idea of starting a "column" about The Must-Do Things in Rome to share with you guys on my blog. And this is where you come in - I have already many exciting ideas of what to "show" you and I'm not talking about the Colosseum or Vatican Museums (though.. if you're interested let me know!) but I'd like to hear from YOU what would you be interested in "seeing" and knowing more about Rome.. like whatever comes into your minds.. about romans eating habits or special shopping spots or specific museums and art galleries.. just write it down here!

In the meanwhile I wish you a pleasant Sunday!


Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Congrats on making a decision on what to do after! And I like teh idea about making the most of the time you have left in Rome! If I can think of something I'll let you know :) As of right now, I'm short on ideas lol

Café Naïveté said...

Thanks Julia! Come on!! I'm curious about your ideas, you are always so original whenever it comes to ideas and thoughts.. ;)

Roadrunner said...

Oh, London ♥ I love that city even though I've never even visited it. Some day I will.

I'd love you to photograph all your favourite spots in Rome and share them with us :)

Kadri-Ann said...

I would like to know more about NIGHTLIFE In rome. Your oppinion about it and different spots.
Great Restaurants
More things about your life in Rome (School, everyday things, maybe even the places you visit every day,)

la flore et la faune said...

many ideas about Rome :

- the food, of course : the best plates you tasted

- the old ladies : all the roman Paulettes !

- a streetstyle report : what is tipically roman in street fashion ?

- the worst tourists' outfits

Ahti Sepsivart said...

sa võiksid teha mõned kaadrid selles, mis toimub rooma seinte peal ehk üldiselt tänavakunstist. ja üldse hoia silmad lahti ja jäädvusta midagi sellist, mis on ebaharilik või veider linnaruumis, mingisugused veidrad seosed või imelikud asjad, imelikes paikades. näiteks minisugsed urkad ja nurgatagused. mis inimesed seal on, mida teevad ja miks asjad niiviisi on. ehk sul veab ja suudad tabada inimesi veidrates situatsioonides või kohtades või tegevuses, kuid see ei tähenda, et sa peaksid suvaliselt inimesi pildistama. võib-olla sul tuleb mõni mõte ja suudad ise midagi rooma tänavatele jätta(mõni installatsioon või lahe plakat või miks mitte grafiti värki). aga eks sa lõpuks teed ikkagi ju seda, mis sulle meeldib.
edu igastahes. tsau

Rodolfo Montanari said...

Very good idea.

I live in Rome, probably I might think about, but not restaurants etc. but very special places and corners.. are you interested?


Café Naïveté said...

Sorry my dears I haven't answered! Thank you all for your ideas, they were very inspiring.. and Rodolfo, feel free to express yours as well!
