Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy Sunday & Mother's Day!


This morning I woke up really early to prepare a yummie surprise breakfast for my mother and the rest of my family. The moment I opened my eyes I saw this strange orange light coming out from the window shutter holes. It was really awkward, so I went outside on the balcony and saw this amazing sky, the sun was just raising and the rain clouds were about to arrive.. with a perfect rainbow in between. Really spectacular.


So, with this post I wanted to I wish all of you and your families, and especially your mothers, a really lovely day.



PS! Though lately I haven't been able to post as much as I would have liked, I wanted to thank you all for the support and for sticking by, YOU make the whole blog-keeping process a lot more exciting!



The Photodiarist said...

Thank you for such gorgeous pics! Perfect for Mother's Day, no?

the Citizen Rosebud said...

what a great thing to wake up to. Happy Day to you!