Thursday, December 24, 2009

Tea and a little bit (read: a little too much) of chit chat...

...Too much because I don't have much voice today and my throat is hurting! Anyway, yesterday we had a little Christmas Eve at our friend Airi's place, she had prepared everything- from gingerbread cookies to meat and potatoes ! Delicious. I had such a great time, we exchanged gifts, we laughed and then we laughed again... a perfect evening. Here are some pictures. Hope you're having a pleasant night with your family and get nice surprises!


  1. Estonia looks so beautiful!

    Ruumsaid Juuluplhi Merilin.

  2. Dear Merilin,Merry Christmas!
    Wish you all the best! x

  3. uuuh milline õudusttekitav pilt minust!!
    aga lahe õhtu oli meil!!!

  4. Hi Merilin!

    My sister found your blog yesterday and sent me the link because she knows how much it would remind me of my time in Italy which I just loved so much.

    Wish you a happy new year! Will definitely follow your blog :-)

    Toni from Berlin
